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OpenLinguistics is a free and publicly available online platform that allows linguists to record examples, collect informal acceptability judgments, and upload pre-prints of their papers to share with other linguists around the world.
Our mission is to improve transparency and rigour within the linguistic community, and to build a tool that people love.
We are currently in alpha, so feedback is greatly appreciated!
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
(ʔun) čæn tᾱ šᾱʔer-(ᾱ) mohᾱǰeræt kærd-æn
(that) some CL poet-(PL) immigrate do.PAST-3PL
‘(Those) few poets immigrated.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
čæn tᾱ šᾱʔer mohᾱǰeræt kærd-æn
some CL poet immigrate do.PAST-3PL
‘Some poets immigrated.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
be do tᾱ ʔostᾱd ʔimeil ferestᾱd-æm
to two CL professor email send.PAST-1SG
‘I sent an email to two professors.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
be do tᾱ ʔostᾱd-(ᾱ) ʔimeil ferestᾱd-æm
to two CL professor-(PL) email send.PAST-1SG
‘I sent an email to the two professors.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
šiš tᾱ bošqᾱb-(ᾱ) ro šekæst-æm
six CL plate-(PL) OM break.PAST-1SG
‘I broke the six plates.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
šiš tᾱ bošqᾱb šekæst-æm
six CL plate break.PAST-1SG
‘I broke six plates.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
hæft tᾱ værzeškᾱr-(ᾱ) ʔumæd-æn
seven CL athlete-(PL) come.PAST-3SG
‘The seven athletes came.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
hæft tᾱ værzeškᾱr ʔumæd-æn
seven CL athlete come.PAST-3SG
‘Seven athletes came.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
be ʔun ʔæsb-ᾱ neɡᾱh kærd-Ø
to that horse-PL look do.PAST-3SG
‘S/he looked at those horses.’
created 2 years ago by Fatemeh
ʔin ketᾱb-a ro xund-æm
this book-PL OM read.PAST-1SG
‘I read these books.’